Imagination is one of the most distinct and extraordinary gifts granted to human beings. Why do we dream? I finally found a reason. When do we resort to dreaming? At times when we are unhappy with our circumstances. No system of inquisition can control one’s fantasies. They can throw you in jail, but you still have the ability to live your sentence outside the prison without anyone holding you there. Through imagination, you can pass over insurmountable walls without leaving any trace of yourself, and you can always go back. Now the question is: once out, why go back? That has to do with the credibility of reality. You have to go back and see what your reality is. In fact, through dreaming, you have the opportunity to tolerate some of the unchangeable hardships of life. You get out, you dream, you are refreshed and you go back. It’s like being in a stuffy room and opening a window. You let the air come in and then you breathe. In my mind, our dreams are windows in our lives and the meaning of cinema is in its similarity to this window.Abbas Kiarostami
Ce qui me plaît le plus dans cette citation d’Abbas Kiarostami, c’est quand il dit qu’il faut s’échapper de la réalité par le rêve et l’imagination mais qu’il faut aussi regarder la réalité en face. L’un ne va pas sans l’autre en quelque sorte. J’aime l’idée qu’il faille revenir de son plein gré « dans sa prison ». Quelle preuve de liberté ! J’avais vraiment besoin que quelqu’un que j’admire me rappelle une chose aussi simple que ça...
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Ca fait plaisir!Mais le mot "prison" est a prendre avec des pincettes...
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