samedi 14 février 2009

Ce sera bon comme là-bas, dis !

During the war, after the bombings had become steadily more intense, I took to reading The Tale of Genji in the dimness of nights of blackout controls or amid the miserable-looking passengers on the Yokosuka Line.... As I read I often recalled with what profound feelings the wandering exiles of the Yoshino Court and the people who lived during the wartorn Muromachi period had read The Tale of Genji. When I went out on patrol during an alert on nights when autumn or winter moonlight flooded little valleys where not a speck of human-generated lights showed, The Tale of Genji drifted through my mind, and recollections of the people of long ago who had read The Tale of Genji in adversity shot through me: I thought that I must go on living, along with these traditions that flowed within me.

Yasunari Kawabata
Aujourd’hui je suis à Blois. Nous serons nombreux autour d’un bon couscous !

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Coucou! Magnifique ton blog, vraiment.

Oui, tous autour du couscous! Même avec Yuuki! C'était très bien, notre première rencontre...
Merci pour l'omikuji^^ A très bientôt!


Anonyme a dit…

Merci Lily. Je n'en finis plus de rigoler en pensant à la lettre que Yuuki va envoyer à Shizuoka et ou elle parlera du couscous gargantuesque!